Car Accident Attorney In Los Angeles

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you will need the best legal representation to fight for your rights. Our top injury attorneys at LA Attorneys will relentlessly defend your rights until you get a favorable settlement.

We understand how stressful and painful the period following a car accident is. We want to help relieve some of your stress by providing you with the best legal support for your car accident case.

Call us today to get a free personalized consultation with our top-tier Los Angeles-based Attorneys!

Top Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyers

Car accidents affect thousands of people every year in the state of California. They account for a large part of personal injury and wrongful death claims.

At LA Attorneys, our personal injury experts are dedicated to helping you overcome these difficult situations.

Whether you suffered from a catastrophic or more minor injury, you might be eligible for compensation.

Our experienced and reliable injury attorneys will help you build a strong car accident case and they will defend it relentlessly.

Our goal is to get you a beneficial settlement that will help you recover from your car accident.

At LA Attorneys, we apply the same strength, dedication, and expertise to every case we defend. We also understand that each case is different, therefore, we adopt a highly personalized approach with our clients.

We will also inform you of local and state regulations that apply to your case, so you always have the most relevant information for your situation.

Common Types Of Car Accidents In Los Angeles

Car accidents happen for many different reasons including distracted driving, lost control of the vehicle, and harsh weather.

Our car accident injury lawyers will always handle your case with professionalism and care.

Common types of auto collisions are:

Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end accidents are the most common type of auto collision in the United States. These collisions happen when a vehicle hits the vehicle in front of it. These accidents most likely happen during high-traffic times when there is stop-and-go traffic. Rear-end collisions can result in injuries to the driver and passengers in the car (head, neck, back, spinal cord injuries, and more).

Head-on Collisions

Head-on auto collisions happen when the front-end of a vehicle collides with the front of another vehicle, or something else (an animal, a wall, a tree). For example, someone driving on the wrong side of the road and colliding with an oncoming car. These types of collisions are very severe and can result in serious or fatal injuries.

Side Collisions

Side collisions or “T-bone” collisions happen when the front end of a vehicle collides with the side of another vehicle (the driver’s door or passenger door). These collisions can also result in serious or fatal injuries.

Low-Speed Contact Collisions

This type of collision happens in situations where the car is moving under 10mph. For example, when maneuvering out of a parking lot spot. A low-impact collision can result in whiplash (neck sprain/strain), bruises, or head, neck, and spinal cord injury.

Multi-vehicle Collisions

Multi-vehicle accidents are often the result of a rear-end collision. For example, a car that has been rear-ended can push the other car forward, causing it to crash into another vehicle. Multi-vehicle collisions can be very dangerous and result in severe injuries for all drivers and passengers impacted by the accident.

Car accidents can result in many injuries that can significantly impact the driver and all passengers in the vehicle. We are here to help you recover from these injuries and start your life again.

If you have suffered from an injury following a car accident, contact our experienced injury attorneys at LA Attorneys to learn more about the legal solutions available to you.

What To Do After A Car Accident?

Call 911 Or The Police

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, the first thing you should do is call 911 if you or any of your passengers are suffering from injuries.

You can also call the police for minor incidents, such as those with no considerable damage to the vehicles.

It can be confusing to know who to call but remember that if anyone is hurt, you should call 911 immediately.

Gather Information About The Accident

If possible, try to collect as much information as you can after the accident. Write down the other driver’s name, phone number, insurance information, and license plate.

Additionally, take pictures of the accident, of your vehicle, of the other vehicle, and of your injuries, if possible.

Try to also write down the contact information of any witness of the scene. Having this information will help your car accident lawyer build a strong case.

If you are unable to collect this information or are unable to take pictures, ask someone to do it for you.

Get medical treatment

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you will most likely need to receive medical treatment.

You must consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and to ensure a quick recovery. Make sure to thoroughly follow the treatment your doctor prescribes you.

Documenting medical treatment will also be important for the outcome of your car accident claim. Medical records of doctor visits, exams, medications, and surgeries will be used to support your case.

Contact A Professional Car Accident Lawyer

We recommend that you contact our experienced car accident lawyers as soon as possible if you have suffered from a severe, high-impact accident.

After your accident, don’t engage in negotiations or accept a settlement from the insurance company without talking to your attorney beforehand.

Our injury attorneys will take charge of your case and will help you file a strong car accident claim.

We are here to support you and help relieve some stress during these painful experiences.

Not everybody who has been involved in a car accident will need legal representation.

However, if you want to better understand your case, our lawyers will offer you a consultation, completely free of charge.

They will discuss your situation with you and give you personalized advice.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to book a free personalized consultation with our car accident attorneys.

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